What You Should Know About "Serums"
What Is a Beauty Serum?
Serums have long been the beauty industry's best-kept secret, used almost exclusively in spas as part of a facial treatment. Similar to a moisturizer in design and purpose, a serum is a liquid meant to treat skin ailments such as dehydration, redness and fine lines. Containing highly concentrated ingredients chemically formulated into molecules much smaller than those in a moisturizer, a serum is absorbed into the skin quickly and more deeply for a more intensive effect.
Why Should You Use a Beauty Serum?
Because serums are so readily absorbed, their high concentration of skin-benefiting ingredients deeply penetrate the skin, producing dramatic and long-lasting results. Think of a serum as a multi-vitamin for your skin – nourishing, enhancing and boosting its performance.
Common Benefits
Formulas will vary, but most serums are designed to smooth, soften and hydrate the skin, which minimizes the look of wrinkles and fine lines. Even if you're not concerned about wrinkles and fine lines, a serum will tone, even out and brighten your skin, making it look healthy and radiant. Most serums contain exfoliating ingredients that not only minimize fine lines and wrinkles, but also reduce the appearance of dark spots and discolouration.
Other benefits of beauty serums are:
• firming and lifting of skin
• boosting collagen (to reduce the signs of aging)
• reducing the appearance of dark circles and puffiness in the eye area
• boosting the skin's natural protection against the environment
• stimulating the skin's circulation (for a natural "glow")
How To Use A Beauty Serum
Apply a drop of serum to your fingertips and massage it gently into your freshly-cleaned skin in the morning and at night, then follow with your usual moisturizer. You don't need to use more than a drop or two to cover your whole face and neck.
You will likely feel an immediate change in your skin the first time you use a serum – it may feel softer, smoother and perhaps even a little tighter. But most formulas promise a visual change in four weeks, especially if you have fine lines and wrinkles, redness or large pores.
Serum sejenis cecair yang mengandungi kandungan ekstrak botani, vitamin dan enzim yang tinggi tanpa sebarang bahan pengawet dan bahan kimia yg berbahaya. Setiap serum dibuat mengikut kegunaan tertentu dan amat berkesan utk kulit muka yg mempunyai masalah jerawat, jeragat, berminyak, warna kulit kusam, kulit tua, kedut, saggy, warna kulit tidak rata dan lain-lain lagi. Saiz molekulnya yg jauh lebih kecil dr moisturizer biasa menyebabkannya amat mudah utk menyerap kedalam kulit dan memberi tindakan serta merta. Seperti juga ampoules, serum juga banyak digunakan dalam industri kosmetik seperti salon kecantikkan dan juga Spa.
Bagaimana cara menyimpan Serum?
Serum hanya dapat bertahan selama 4 jam setelah dibuka namun jika ia disimpan di dalam bekas kedap udara dan bekas tersebut disimpan di dalam peti ais, ia masih boleh digunakan selama 3 hari atau bergantung kepada jumlah penggunaan.
Bagaimana cara menggunakan Serum?
1. Cuci muka
2. Pakai toner
3. Pakai serum dengan menyapu ke seluruh muka sehingga ke leher secukupnya dan urut dengan lembut sehingga cecair serums menyerap masuk sepenuhnya
4. Pakai moisturizer/day cream
5. Make up (siang sahaja) atau night cream (malam sahaja)
Amalkan rutin di atas 2 kali sehari iaitu pagi dan malam. Jika anda cuma guna pencuci muka, anda boleh terus menggunakan serum dan kemudian baru make up seperti biasa.